Book cover 3.jpg

Books, not bullets

In the US, it's easier to obtain an assault rifle than some classic novels.




Every day, 12 children die from gun violence in the US. The sad irony is that instead of addressing the easy access Americans have to guns, the United States Congress has spent more time banning books from school libraries than banning the assault rifles that are killing children in school and beyond. In partnership with the CDDP, we made this striking spot to draw attention to this devastating matter and call upon lawmakers and voters to take accountability.


Download these mock book covers to wrap around your banned books and help draw attention to the fact that it's easier to buy an assault rifle than some books.


Exectutive Creative Directors: Malaika Danovitz, Teddy Stoecklein, and Lauren Rodrigue
Associate Creative Director: Renata Chiara
Designer: Chris Laryea
Production: Furlined
Director: Hissoni Mustafa

This spec PSA was produced in association with CCDP.